A Good Provider Will…
- Get and keep good staff who show up for you.
- IHS Services has low staff turnover.
- IHS Services recruits and screens all applicants thoroughly.
- Work with you to choose your staff.
- IHS Services matches staff to your needs.
- IHS Services seeks your input and feedback regarding staff.
- Work with you to solve your problems.
- IHS Services can assist you with taking your medication.
- IHS Services can assist you with budgeting, paying bills, and keeping your benefits.
- IHS Services has people who can help you clean your house, take a bath, and do other things in your home.
- Have a backup plan for your services.
- IHS Services has people who make sure you have staff when they are scheduled.
- IHS Services has people who are available to assist you in an emergency.
- Make sure your staff does a good job.
- IHS Services has people who train your staff and check on them to make sure they are doing a good job.
- Help you stay healthy.
- IHS Services has people who help you get to your medical appointments, fill your prescriptions, and help you take your medications.
- IHS Services has people who can help you to get dressed, to take a bath, to cook good meals, and other things.
- Help you stay safe.
- IHS Services has people who help you with emergency drills.
- IHS Services has people who make sure your home is as safe as possible.
- Help you do the things you need to do and want to do.
- IHS Services has staff who can help you do almost anything you need to or want to in your home or the community.
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